Anboto Intelligent Chat

ANBOTO Intelligent Chat is an intelligent online chat with semiautomatic response that allows us to increase the productivity of enterprises in customer experience management (Customer Experience Management and Customer Service), defined as the perceptions and feelings generated by the accumulation of customer interactions with companies and their employees, channels, products and services.

ANBOTO designs the interactions in order to increase the client's expectations, and enhance their satisfaction and loyalty.

Main features:

  • Natural language understanding.
  • Automatic language detection.
  • Understanding of multiple questions in one sentence.
  • Ability to generate proactive natural language.
  • Voice.
  • Innovative image.
  • Continuous interaction with the user.
  • Concurrent feedback.
  • Multiple availability.
  • 24x7x365.
  • Continuous customized attention (name, treatment, etc.).
  • Web Communication.

Video demo


Some customers